

We believe that it’s a crucial part of the Christian faith to be constantly on the lookout for God’s goodness, and to consistently remind ourselves of the goodness he’s already shown. Even when we’re having a hard time seeing his goodness, we can still celebrate the gift of new life offered through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Celebrating God’s goodness is meant to be done on both an individual and corporate level.

We believe it’s important to prioritize worship in both our personal lives and in coming together as the body of Christ while worshiping Jesus and encouraging one another.


We often think of worship as just music, but it’s so much more than that.

Biblical models of worship often involve sacrifice and submission to God as in 1 Chronicles 16:29, and surrender and repentance as demonstrated throughout Psalms. We believe that worship is a submissive posture of the heart, and that anything can be an act of worship.

Worship isn’t what we do, but why we do it and who we do it for.

We can worship anywhere, at any time, and not just on Sundays! Worshiping includes giving of our finances, time, and hearts while seeking God - even when we don’t feel like it.


Sing With Us

We want to sing with you.

Praising God through song is an expression of worship. We try to remove all barriers and distractions that might prevent participation as we praise our father through music together on Sunday mornings. Though we occasionally sing special songs, most songs are collective in nature and with lyrics displayed on large screens and online. Join us!


Serve With Us


Serving is an act of worship.

Are you interested in serving alongside our worship and production team? Follow this link to learn more.